Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Oprah Winfrey’s Morning Routine

Oprah Winfrey’s Morning Routine
So, how do some of the most successful moguls spend their mornings? Wouldn’t we all like to know?
Are they super- efficient with time? Do they have some secrets to share about how we can be too?

I’ve mentioned in numerous hubs on HubPages and blog posts on Blogger that sometimes, YouTube is my form of entertainment instead of regular television. Recently, on YouTube, I stumbled upon the vlog of a YouTube video content creator that is a fan of Oprah Winfrey’s and upon reading a book written by Oprah Winfrey, she decided to try out the daily morning routine that Oprah discusses in the book.
It turns out that much of Oprah Winfrey’s morning is spent on self- care. She wakes up around 6 am each morning with an ‘internal clock’, not an alarm clock but gets to work responding to emails and doing business related things around 9am. She commits approximately 9am to 12 noon each day on those business related items especially email communications.
Before 9am, Oprah Winfrey commits much time to meditation and expressing gratitude, eating a good breakfast, and exercising for example.
In this interesting YouTube video that I stumbled upon, a young woman describes her attempt at Oprah Winfrey’s morning routine that she learned about from Oprah Winfrey’s book, I Know This Much is True.
The young YouTuber said that she already has her own daily morning routine that includes prayer so it was a challenge for her to switch it up and try Oprah’s morning routine but she decided to go ahead and do it.
Some things that she acknowledged include:
• Oprah Winfrey typically wakes up between 6:02 and 6:20am daily and naturally, without the use of an alarm clock.
• The young YouTuber also usually wakes up around 6am but she uses an alarm clock.
• Oprah starts her morning with 20 minutes of “expressing gratitude”.
• The young female YouTuber also says morning prayers
• Oprah lets her dogs out and does a workout (20 minutes on elliptical and 30 minutes on treadmill).
• The young YouTuber has no dogs or cats but quips that she does have plants to keep alive so she waters her plants and also does a workout similar to Oprah Winfrey’s
After a shower is breakfast.
The breakfast the YouTuber enjoyed preparing for herself in this video clip is a breakfast of :
• scrambled eggs,
• sweet potatoes,
• tomatoes,
• spinach,
• red grapes,
• green grapes
• and banana slices
In addition to highlighting some of her favorite breakfast foods, the young YouTuber mentioned loving the chai tea beverage (Tazo, available at Target). She likes to mix the Tazo chai tea powder with almond milk and enjoys this drink.

This YouTuber lists her name as Shahd Batal and her video clip called "I tried oprah's morning routine and..." is going strong at 179,000 views and counting.

It was interesting to watch.

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